7th place out of 9000!
In April 2010 we were delighted to come equal seventh in the national Your Country, Your Call competition. Given that there were over 9000 suggested ideas put up on the competition website, this really was a greatly encouraging result. Sadly, we did not get selected for the final stages of YCYC nor win any of the cash prizes up for grabs. We did, however, have great fun and lots of excitement watching the SPF idea rise up through all the entries to finish in the top ten. It was also great to be featured in the Irish Times coverage of the competition.
Here are some of the comments from those who voted for us:
I would support anything that would bring the soul back into St Patricks and I see potential for this in the proposal. Perhaps achievements in medical, civil rights, personal vindication, community work etc. could be show cased and commemorated in events all over the country to give some depth to the festivities.
Brilliant idea…shared this proposal with friends round the world and they all agreed…turning Patrick’s original desires for this country could have global implications once again!
Way to go! I certainly haven’t read all proposals but some of what I read aspire to very lofty idealistic unachievable goals. This is well thought out and very achievable. This country needs a vision that goes way deeper than simply resolving a financial mess. We need something to hold onto that is truly worthwhile in the midst of chaos and corruption. Something more than political correctness. Something radical like that which inspired St Patrick. Jesus said: “love thy neighbour..” “pray for your enemies..”
St Patricks Day needs to be seen as more than a holiday to celebrate the colour ‘Green’ outside of Ireland! This sounds Great!
Brilliant idea to give St Patrick’s day more depth and a vision. This is a powerful concept.
Ireland needs something like this. We don’t just need economic change, we need social and cultural renewal. As South Africa as you mention, and many other suffering countries show, economic prosperity only happens when the people are happy and at peace.
This could do wonders for Irish society. If we became a nation known for reconciliation, or a world leader in it as you say, that would change Ireland forever. Go St Patrick, may your values continue to change Irish society!
Love it! It would be amazing if the Island became known again for its vision for justice, equality and reconciliation. Saint Patrick would be proud of us!
Great idea guys. Justice, equality and reconciliation are three very important concepts. You guys are onto something great 🙂
As a member of the Irish diaspora, I think this is a wonderful idea!
Brilliant idea. We need to build on the positive aspects of our heritage to escape our current malaise.
That is a really great idea! surprised no one has thought of this before.
Our sincere thanks to everybody who voted for us.