SOSP Award Nomination Page Nominations for our 2017 Awards are now closed. Many congratulations to our winners. Nominate a Person/Group for the SOSP AwardTo register your nomination for this year's Spirit of St Patrick Awards please complete the boxes below and then click SUBMIT.Please note that the closing date for nominations each year is 7th March. Your Name:*FirstLast Your E-mail:* Which Award are you nominating for? (Please enter Derry/Londonderry, Lucan or Maynooth.)*eg: Maynooth Name of Person/Group you wish to nominate:* Please tell us why you feel this person/group should receive the Spirit of St Patrick Award:* Contact Information for your SOSP Nomination: (Name, Address, Contact Telephone and Website) * Please type in the characters you see here. This allows us to know you are not a robot. 🙂SubmitReset