SPF Conciliation Service
Professional facilitation for those in Conflict
The SPF Conciliation Service provides facilitated mediation and conciliation for individuals, groups, and organisations facing situations of conflict. Consisting of experienced facilitators from a variety of backgrounds, our goal is to help those experiencing destructive conflict to find creative solutions, lasting resolution and the restoration of healthy relationships.
What we provide..
1. Informal Consultation
Sometimes, when conflict arises, all that is needed is an opportunity to chat through what has happened and some helpful suggestions as to how to proceed. Our Conciliation Service is pleased to offer this facility. As well as helping you with initial responses, we will also be able to advise you as to whether or not your situation is one that would be helped by a more formal conciliation or mediation process.
2. Mediation/Conciliation
Mediation is primarily concerned with finding agreed solutions to difficulties that have arisen. Conciliation is focused on the restoration of relationships that have come to be frayed. Whilst the former is often the necessary starting point, the goal of our service is always the latter, seeking to restore relationships alongside solving the problems and disagreements that have led to their dissolution.
Consisting of trained and experienced conciliators from a variety of backgrounds around the country, our goal is to help individuals and groups move from the context of destructive conflict to a place of creative engagement and lasting resolution. Using preliminary meetings, facilitated interactions, and specially developed resources, our conciliators (who usually work as a team of two) provide a safe and constructive environment in which to work together towards understanding and resolution. A written statement of what has been agreed by the parties as a result of their conversations is always drawn up at the end of this working together and provides a solid platform on which to move forward.
3. Commissions of Enquiry
Sometimes, when conflict arises, it becomes clear that further investigation will be necessary before the nature of the problem, or problems, that now must be addressed is understood. To ensure objectivity and fairness in this investigation, it is usually appropriate for it to be carried out by a group outside of the body or organisation involved. Members of our SPF Conciliation Service are available to lead, or participate within, such enquiry.
How much does it cost?
The Saint Patrick Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation. Our charges and publication sales are simply to enable our service.
Our pricing structure is as follows:
Informal Consultation:
First 30 mins free. Thereafter €30.00 per hour.
Mediation, Conciliation and Enquiry Services:
Conciliators: €30.00 per hour including travel
Mileage: 35c per mile
P.A.C.E Profilers €10.00 per copy
Preparing for Reconciliation Booklets: €10.00 per copy
If you would like further information, please contact us at office@saintpatrickfoundation.org.